#irpg.hu Idle RPG


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  1. luI, the level 162 void. Next level in 2 days, 23:11:46.
  2. slug, the level 149 uristen very big!. Next level in 25 days, 18:22:48.
  3. achos, the level 147 rettenthetetlen. Next level in 6 days, 21:07:10.
  4. pub, the level 143 triplakiraly. Next level in 0 days, 09:35:27.
  5. [Qpe_], the level 133 amator. Next level in 8005 days, 11:50:37.
  6. smoke, the level 122 lama. Next level in 1653 days, 06:09:09.
  7. wilk, the level 61 Canis Lupus. Next level in 37 days, 02:48:03.

See player stats in table format.